How did it get to Monday already? This week has gone super fast but mummy is really grateful for that as it meant our post op check appointment came around really quickly. We have been very careful and only been out on the lead and mummy and daddy have been really strict with us not jumping around at home. Everything paid off though as we both got the all clear! Our stitches have healed extremely well with no sign of infection for either of us, so it was back to business as usual – with no cones! Hooray!
Now we are cone free we are allowed in the front lounge again, mummy was a bit worried about the Christmas tree and other decorations getting knocked about. See how good we are sitting nicely for mummy.

We couldn’t wait to get out and about again as we have really missed our proper walks on the field and on the beach. Here we are looking longingly out of the window into the garden when we got home from the vets cone free.

It wasn’t long before we were back on the field running about. Mummy says sorry that the photos aren’t too great but we were so excited we kept moving about so quickly as we were so happy to be running free again. Although, as ever, it wasn’t an incident free first walk, as I (Ted) found another facemask and tried to eat it – this time mummy managed to grab me and retrieve it from my mouth and throat. Will I ever learn?!

We are still keeping up with the lead walk training though and this week mummy tried us both on the special double lead again and we did really well – much better than last time she tried it anyway.
At the weekend we went for a lovely walk with our friend Chester at a place called Nicky Nook. It was a really lovely walk until I (Ted- yes me again) found a whole pheasant wing and thought it would be a really good idea to try and eat this. Daddy in particular was very cross with me for not bringing it to him like Ruby did but I really wanted to keep it and eat it. I spent a lot of the walk on the lead so I wouldn’t eat anything else.

View from the top!

Mummy and daddy are determined to stop me (Ted) eating random things, so for the time being I have to wear a little mesh muzzle when we go out to stop me. We’ve tried it a couple of times and it works – I can’t eat anything. Mummy hates it though and we are going to work on training me to retrieve properly using a squeaky toy. Wish me luck everyone.
We went to the beach too at the weekend, despite the awful weather. Mummy and daddy didn’t enjoy the walk very much but we loved running about as we have missed doing it so much. The photo isn’t great as mummy’s hand was freezing in the wind and rain.

There will be another instalment of Puppy Tales next week and then we are going to have a little break over Christmas and New Year to spend time with mummy and daddy and the rest of the family.
Don't forget to check out the Christmas toys on the website for your four-legged friend, there's lots of stuff that we've added to our Christmas lists.
Catch up next week……..