Hooray! Mummy got her wish for a less eventful week – well almost!
It’s been a week dominated by the weather. We’ve seen sunshine, snow, storms and everything in between! Given the current restrictions, mummy is trying to stay local but also give us a bit of variety in our walks so we’ve been on the local field, on the golf course and of course to our favourite – the beach.
Big news for us this week, is that we’ve been to the groomers and had a haircut – unlike the rest of the family, mummy included, who are all starting to look a little dishevelled! The groomer said that we were very well behaved. Here we are in the kitchen showing off our tidy new look.

We’ve had some lovely walks on Rossall Beach this week when the tide has been out. Mummy met with Nicky to walk this week so we got to run around with our friends Watson, Jinsol and Raff.

Mummy also tried again to get some arty photos of us on the beach with the sun about to set. Mummy met grandad for one of the walks and he couldn’t believe how much we have grown as he hasn’t seen us a little while. That’s the sad thing about being in lockdown, we don’t get any visitors coming round telling us how cute we are!

Here’s a really good one of me (Ruby) in the air with the ball!

Mummy has been trying to do some fetch and leave training with us using a squeaky toy. We have been really trying with this but mummy feels that I (Ted) still have a long way to go until I am fully trusted to go on walks without my muzzle.
I (Ted) have been quite good at not eating random things this week. Although I did have a chew on a stick and managed to get a bit of it wedged in the roof of my mouth! Luckily mummy spotted it and daddy managed to dislodge it and flick it out!
Anyway here’s some more action photos from our walks this week.

That’s all for this week, catch up on more news from us next time on Puppy Tales……