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  • Writer's pictureSally

Puppy Tales - Week 30!

Wow! 30 weeks of our blog, we cannot believe it!

We’re afraid you may find this a little bit dull this week as we have both been suffering from a limp – mine (Ted) is my front leg again which had been bothering me, then was OK, then I jumped off a high table and now it’s come back. For me (Ruby) it’s my back leg – although I can still beat Ted when just using three legs!

Anyway once we both started limping, mummy said we had to rest for a good few days to allow us to fully recover. So for part of last week and we think most of this week we will be having lead walks only. BORING!

The big news this week is that we haven’t been allowed in the front lounge as it was being re-decorated but it’s all finished now and mummy and daddy are really pleased with it. We’re not fussed either way but we are happy to be allowed back in on the comfy sofas.

As you can see in the above photograph, I (Ted) have grown again and have a shiny new grey collar from the Woof by Bailey Adventure Range. I (Ruby) am not ready for my new one just yet but still look just as smart.

We did get a few walks together before we got injured. Here we are on the golf course in the sun – we need to make the most of our time on there as soon we won’t be allowed once the rules change at the end of this month.

We have had some bad weather this week with lots of rain that made some pretty big puddles on the field. Look at us we are almost swimming!

Mummy discovered my (Ruby’s) injury whilst on the beach with Ted and Grandad, so I had to go back on the lead which wasn’t much fun as Ted still got to chase the ball.

I (Ruby) then had to stay at home while Ted went to the field with Tilly, he got to jump in some more puddles too.

We don’t really like not going out for proper walks as it means we don’t burn up as much energy which tempts us to do things at home that we wouldn’t normally do…..

While mummy and daddy were out we thought it would be fun to play with mummy’s rose plant again. Daddy wasn’t too impressed with us as he got home first to find soil, water and plants across the kitchen floor and in one of our beds. The plant pots were quite good for chewing on though!

No photos as daddy was too cross and wanted to clean up before mummy got home.

That’s all for this week – hopefully we’ll get a chance to get out and about later on this week so we have something to tell you about next time on Puppy Tales.

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