A quieter week for us but we have really been enjoying all the lovely dry weather. The only thing is when we do find a bit of mud or a pond we quite like to get involved so mummy gave us a full shampoo and shower as we were a bit grim – here we are looking all smart and clean afterwards though.

Most evenings we get to sit in the front lounge with mummy and daddy while they chill out and watch TV. Sometimes they are a bit naughty and have some chocolate. We are not allowed chocolate but it always smells so good. Here’s me (Ted) wondering if this time will be my turn!

We’ve had lots of lovely team walks on the big fields with our friends Tilly, Murphy, Alfie and Georgie. Mummy is a bit rubbish though and is so busy chatting and throwing the ball for us that she forgets to take any photos.
Here’s one of the two of us....

One day all the mummies and daddies tried to get a team photo of all of us together at the end – this is the best one of the lot!

It’s quite thirsty work all the running and chasing after the ball. Luckily some really nice people always leave a full bowl of water out by their garage for us and any other doggy who is thirsty. We think this is super kind and us two and Tilly certainly enjoy it!

The evenings have been really lovely so we have been playing in the garden quite a lot. Look here’s me (Ted) trying to persuade mummy to throw the ball – AGAIN!

We had to go onto the cow field the other afternoon as there was a football match on our usual field. We really like it but mummy isn’t so keen on us eating cow pats!

We got a special treat this weekend and got to join mummy and daddy in bed for a lie in – it wasn’t that relaxing for them though when we started playing hide and seek under the duvet!

It was the beach for us this morning after dropping our brother off at school! We love the beach but we did nearly get caught out by the tide this morning as it came in fast!

See you all next week!