Welcome back! What a day to return with Puppy Tales as it’s exactly a year ago today that we joined the family. What a fun year it’s been.

Over the last 12 months we’ve gone from being tiny little bundles of fur who had to be taught everything, to two fabulous young dogs who bring joy and smiles all round – well apart from when one of us does something naughty!
We’ve developed very different personalities considering we are brother and sister. I (Ted) have a bit of shoe fetish – I don’t eat them though I just like to sit with them. I particularly like sliders for some reason. I (Ruby) am rather cat like and very good at jumping up on things which really annoys Ted as he’s much heavier than me!
While mummy’s ankle has been healing we’ve been out for lots of walks with daddy who unfortunately kept forgetting to take any photos! Anyway after a few weeks of rest and rehab mummy was finally able to take us out again – she took us to the beach with grandad – our favourite place. We had fun jumping in the sea and chasing the ball on the sand.

We were then lucky enough to escape to the caravan for a night away. This time daddy took us on the beach for a run. If you zoom in on the photo below you can just see us! We had the whole bay to ourselves.

Mummy has really missed taking us out as she very much enjoys walking us – especially when it involves meeting up with her friends. Here we are on the local field waiting for Tilly to arrive.

After four long weeks, mummy finally felt ready to tackle the big fields again (where she fell and hurt herself). Result! We all made it back in one piece this time. We had a ball running around with our friends Sharon, Tilly, Murphy and Georgie.

Mummy and daddy managed to have a week away but unfortunately we couldn’t go with them so we went on a little holiday too, to the kennels. It was good fun actually as we went out on lots of walks across some really big fields and our friends Watson, Jinsol and Raff were staying there too. We were absolutely shattered when we got home though.

I (Ruby) have had to have a little trip to the vets today as it would seem I’ve picked up a little infection. I was a very good girl and got lots of treats from the vet who was impressed with my behaviour. Fingers crossed a few days of antibiotics should sort me out.

That’s everything from us for now. We can’t believe that we have been part of the family for a whole year and that we’ve been doing this little blog for 12 months. We hope you continue to follow us on the Woof by Bailey website for more adventures over the months and years to come……..