Hello and welcome back to our blog, our first for 2021 and it’s week 21. Happy New Year to you all. We enjoyed a lovely festive season spent with family and walking with our friends. We also got some fun toys from the Woof by Bailey Christmas range which we really enjoyed playing with! We hope you all had a great time too.
We are now a whopping seven months old and getting to be quite good at this puppy lark! We’ve had two firsts this week which is always exciting. We got to walk and play in snow for the very first time which we absolutely loved. Here we are having fun up at Nicky Nook.

We really loved charging about in the snow and look forward to playing out in the snow again in the near future – weather dependent of course.
Our other first was that mummy and daddy let us into their bedroom and onto their bed for morning cuddles on Sunday. We were very well behaved but we did find it very exciting so mummy’s photos weren’t very good. This one is the best of a bad bunch!

As we are now back in lockdown there isn’t a huge amount to do other than walk as we are not allowed to go and see people or have people come and visit us.
We’ve had some really good walks this week, we’ve been on the local field and then trying to stay near to home to adhere to the current restrictions, we’ve been to the beach, on the golf course (as it’s closed again) and to a local woodland.
The weather has been mainly cold and frosty which mummy seems to like as apparently we don’t get as muddy so don’t need cleaning as much. But things seem to have changed now and its becoming wetter and windier but we don’t care, we’ll run about and have fun whatever the weather is doing.
On one trip to the beach we found a tennis ball each which was fun.

On another beach day we were charging about with our friends Bo and Darcy. As mummy and daddy are only allowed to meet one friend at the moment we don’t get to go on any team walks which is a bit sad as we love seeing all our friends.

Walking is our favourite thing to do, here we are sniffing around in the woods at Beacon Fell at the weekend.

We haven’t got much planned this week but we’ll try and get up to some kind of mischief so mummy has something funny to write about in her next blog. Just so you know I (Ted) have got a bit better at not eating EVERYTHING I find whilst out and about so I don’t have to wear my little muzzle all the time any more. Only when there’s a chance of finding a dead bird……..
Stay safe everyone and catch up soon.